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Anti-Bribery Statement

Penceat Medical are committed to applying the highest standards of ethical conduct and behaviour, and we have robust controls in place to prevent fraud, bribery and corruption. We expect our suppliers and contractors to adhere to these standards and may seek to terminate contracts with any suppliers found by a court of law to have been guilty of corruption.

Penceat Medical has a zero tolerance approach to fraud, bribery and corruption and will seek the highest levels of redress against those who commit fraud. We have a robust whistleblowing policy in place to enable team members and contractors to act where they suspect these acts may have occurred.


Under no circumstances is the giving, offering, receiving or soliciting of a bribe acceptable. If staff are offered hospitality or gifts or are considering offering any to another person, we ask them to refer to our Hospitality and Receipt of Gifts Policy for details of the circumstances in which may be acceptable. All staff are asked to declare hospitality and gifts received, offered or declined to our HR Director.


We welcome enquiries regarding any concerns from employees, contractors, or members of the public with regards to fraud, bribery or corruption and would encourage you to contact us if you have any concerns.


We are committed to dealing with any concerns raised responsibly, openly and professionally.

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